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“Making jewellery is all about creating wearable unpredicted forms”
— Jin Ah Jo

Day 80 : Work 80.  My Pink Balloons

Day 80 : Work 80. My Pink Balloons

Finally I have reached the final design solution for my initial pink balloon structure. It was mentioned on Day 37. The initial approach and inspiration was written there, this is an updated statement for this work. 0)

“My Pink Balloons “ Brooch. 2020. 48 (width) x 43 (length) x 34 (depth) mm

: Powdercoated perforated mildsteel, enamel painted silver and bleached silver, steel

Pink is one of the most beautiful natural colours. We find pink in minerals, flowers, birds, moth, salt lake, sand on the beach, and even dolphins living in Amazon River. It is not just little girls’ colour. In 2019 I introduced this stunning colour into my work and since then I have encountered and developed good conceptual and structural design solutions.

For a long time I have been thinking of pink and couldn’t get rid of the intuitive images of pink balloons from my head. Pink balloons are widely imprinted as a symbol of joy but in Australia there is pink ribbon day to raise awareness of breast cancer. Also since the 2017 suicide bombing in Manchester at the Ariana Grande concert pink balloons has been symbolising solidarity with victims.

For me I tried to visualise how the pink balloons’ shape and the way they swarm together to bring the form and colours into my work. I needed to decide the numbers of balloons, the shape and the physical connection between them then the wearability of this object.

When the form was made with perforated mildsteel and sandblasted for cleaning I could only see the geometry of this structure. I was interested in the shadow of perforated spheres and half sphere casting. Then after powdercoating I needed to determine how it will be laid on the body so I used drawing on white bleached silver idea. Planting these balloons on a white drawing board with a distinctive red circle makes it look like directions on a map. It also shows the dissimilar geometry of three and two dimensional spheres at the same time on the same work.

mildsteel and silver structures sandblasted.

mildsteel and silver structures sandblasted.

pink balloons and brooch together 1-s.jpg
My Pink Balloons-3-s.jpg
My Pink Balloons-4-s.jpg
My Pink Balloons brooch worn

My Pink Balloons brooch worn

Day 81 : Work 81. For the last 3 weeks...

Day 81 : Work 81. For the last 3 weeks...

Day 79: Work 79. Potential series, "Drawing"

Day 79: Work 79. Potential series, "Drawing"