Day 85 : Work 85. Is it always so hard to make rings (3)?
I make rings to try to involve my identity ( or could be anyone’s identity when they are worn) as a maker and use my signature, perforation as a design component. Rings are different from the purposes. The ring I would like to make for presenting at commercial galleries is engagement ring using stones and metal. Stones and metal are the 2 most traditional and popular components in ring-making. It is common to use a stone as a focal point but a ring I want to make is both stone and its supporting structure noticeable. So that I would like to get bound with the ring I make with my own aesthetics as much as its wearer can be bound with. I would open a tiny window overcoming the physical limitations of ring design through creating something different. I would create a world for showing who the wearer is.
Therefore I can say still it is hard to make rings. Well nonetheless it is said that the beginning is half and in the end the falling water breaks through the rocks. It sounds quite romantic but always making is in the middle of fantasy and reality.
So here are the examples between fantasy and reality at my bench this week.