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“Making jewellery is all about creating wearable unpredicted forms”
— Jin Ah Jo

Day 77 : Work 77. Perforation and the shadow as extended geometry

Day 77 : Work 77. Perforation and the shadow as extended geometry

I was involved in a show called, “steel lives” with Inari Kiuru as part of Radiant Pavilion in 2017. Kiuru and I both use steel as main material in our practice and the exhibition was a good opportunity to show how 2 artists use the same material in different way.

Part of the exhibition I presented my works under the name “Perforation Theater”

Perforation Theater”

: The metals used for contemporary jewellery and object making are too various to be arranged with any order and significance. However, in Perforation Theatre I only used two main materials, mild steel (heated and powder coated black) and silver. Although I feel that the best installation place for jewellery is on the body for this exhibition I am using the theatre to emphasize light and shape.  Perforated mild steel is quite an extraordinary metal, made to be used in architecture and industrial environments with its physical appearance and space creating connection. By forming this incredible metal into the small structures for the body or interior space I am showing how the perforation changes its quality with the position of the light and how it draws shadow to generate more depth. 

light, perforated mildsteel jewellery object and shadow (2017)

light, perforated mildsteel jewellery object and shadow (2017)

perforated mildsteel and silver jewellery and objects (2017)

perforated mildsteel and silver jewellery and objects (2017)

Perforated metal sheet is used for mainly energy saving and ventilation needs in architecture. Decoratively it opens the vision oppressed by closed place and the shadow casted by light provides the space much more depth.

I was so mesmerised by this idea of creating more depth at space and have been thinking of how I can bring this again and apply it into my new work. This is a starting point of this idea and I am happy with this work at this stage.

one object with different shadows from different sides

one object with different shadows from different sides

2 parts-object and shadow

2 parts-object and shadow

Perforation and the shadow as extended geometry

Perforation and the shadow as extended geometry

Day 78 : Work 78.  Commissioned

Day 78 : Work 78. Commissioned

Day76 : Work 76. Repurposed no1.

Day76 : Work 76. Repurposed no1.