Day 58 : Work 58. Call black white, and vice versa
It was only a couple of days before I was off to Sydney last week. This earring is part of the upcoming Christmas show,. “About face” at Courtesy of the artist in Sydney. I was planning to deliver them when I am there and I actually did.
When your time is limited and pressure is on it is the right time not to think too much and too complicated to realise but just stick to the one which has occurred to you in the first place. The inspiration is from the one I made last year, which was black background and white hexagons.
I could tell there has been improvement in design, balance, and function. Initially I was trying to set some black diamonds on the white square lines but obviously I was totally running out of time. However, I am working on this gold and diamonds for Christmas stock. Stay tuned!
Here is a good website I have found for deadline pressure on your art business and some scheduling tip(software). to share. Good to read but we know we all have our own way to deal with whether it is working or not.